Video acah-acah teaser ni sebenarnya assignment aku. Kena cerita pasal folktales. Aku pun tatau apa yang aku buat. So kalau nak tengok,sila lah. Effect and edit yang bombastic ni Tikah yang buat. Maceh Tikah. I lep u. Haha.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Monday, 25 May 2015
Sang Kancil and The Crocodiles
Sang Kancil was a clever mouse deer. Whenever he was
in a bad situation, he always played a clever trick to escape. In this story,
Sang Kancil outwitted Sang Buaya, a big, bad crocodile, who wanted to eat him.
There were many trees whereSang Kancil's lived along
the river, so he never had trouble finding food. There were always lots of
leaves. He spent his time running and jumping and looking into the river.
Sang Buaya, the big bad crocodile, lived in the
river with other crocodiles. They were always waiting to catch Sang Kancil for
dinner. One day when Sang Buaya was walking along the river, he saw some
delicious fruit on the trees on the other side the river.
Sang Kancil
wanted to taste the tasty-looking fruit because he was a little tired of eating
leaves. He tried to think of a way to cross the river, but he had to be
careful. He didn't want to be caught and eaten by Sang Buaya. He needed to
trick Sang Buaya.
Sang Kancil suddenly had an idea He called out to
the crocodile, "Sang Buaya! Sang Buaya!" Sang Buaya slowly came out
of the water and asked Sang Kancil why he was shouting his name. He asked Sang
Kancil, "Aren't you afraid I will eat you?" Then he opened his big
mouth very wide to scare Sang Kancil.
Sang Kancil said, "Of course, I am afraid of
you, but the king wants me to do something. He is having a big feast with lots
of food, and he is inviting everyone, including you and all the other
crocodiles. But first, I have to count all of you. He needs to know how many of
you will come. Please line up across the river, so I can walk across your heads
and count all of you."
Sang Buaya was excited and left to tell the other
crocodiles about the feast with all the good food. Soon, they came and made a
line across the river. Sang Kancil said, "Promise not to eat me because or
I can't report to the king how many of you are coming. They promised not to eat
Sang Kancil stepped on Sang Buaya's head and counted
one. Then he stepped on the next one and said, "Two." He stepped on
each crocodile, counting each one, and finally reached the other side of the
river. Then he said to Sang Buaya,"Thank you for helping me to cross the
river to my new home."
Sang Buaya was shocked and angry. He shouted at Sang
Kancil, "You tricked us! There is no feast, is there?" All of the
crocodiles looked at Sang Buaya angrily. They were angry because he let Sang
Kancil trick all of them.
Sang Kancil loved his new home on the other side of
the river because he had a lot of tasty food to eat. Poor Sang Buaya was not so
lucky. After that, none of the other crocodiles ever talked to him again.
The theme of this story is cleverness. Sang Kancil
tricked the crocodile to help him cross the river to his new home on the other
side of the river.
The moral values that we can get from this story are
we have to be brave to survive in this world because if not, the world will
leave us behind. Other than that, we have to find a solution to any problem
that we have because every problem in this world will have a solution.
Si Luncai dan Labunya
Keceluparan kerap kali
mengundang bencana. Kata pepatah, cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam
dengar-dengar. Terlajak perahu boleh dibelok, terlajak kata buruk padahnya.
Begitulah yang terjadi kepada Si Luncai. Akibat kata-katanya, dia dimurkai oleh
tidaknya, ketika menghadap raja, terluncur kata dari mulutnya bahawa muka raja
mirip wajah arwah bapanya. Raja yang zalim itu terasa dipersendakan. Baginya,
mukanya tidak sekali-kali boleh disamakan dengan rakyat biasa. Apatah lagi
dengan muka arwah bapa Si Luncai yang miskin dan dipandang hina itu. Tanpa
mempertimbangkan perkara ini dengan adil dan teliti, raja pun menjatuhkan
hukuman. Penghinaan Si Luncai mesti dibayar dengan nyawa.Oleh itu, Si Luncai
dihukum bunuh secara dicampakkan ke tengah laut.
Si Luncai bukan anak sembarangan. Yang miskin cuma hartanya, bukan minda dan
ketangkasan fikirannya. Otaknya bergeliga dengan pelbagai taktik licik untuk
menyelesaikan masalah. Walaupun telah dihukum mati, Si Luncai tidak panik.
Sebelum dia dibawa dengan sampan untuk dicampakkan ke tengah laut, dia sempat
membeli sebiji labu besar. Sejak itu dia menangis berhiba-hiba sambil
mengusap-usap labu itu.
beberapa ketika, dua orang pengawal istana pun tiba untuk melaksanakan hukuman.
Dengan senjata yang lengkap, mereka berdua bersedia untuk membawa Si Luncai
dengan sampan untuk dihumban ke tengah laut. Menyedari kedatangan pengawal itu,
Si Luncai pun tambah beria-ia menangis sambil membelai-belai labu airnya.
Melihat telatah Si Luncai, dua pengawal kehairanan lalu bertanya, “Kenapa kamu
menangis dan memeluk labu ini?” Si Luncai pun menjawab, “Hamba terkenangkan
arwah bapa hamba, bukankah hamba akan berjumpanya sebentar lagi.”
perilaku Si Luncai itu, kedua-dua pengawal berasa kasihan. Mereka pun
membenarkan Si Luncai membawa labu itu bersama dalam sampan untuk menuju ke
tengah laut. Sewaktu mereka sedang mengayuh, Si Luncai pun memulakan strategi
untuk menyelamatkan diri. Dia berkata, “Sebelum hamba mati, bolehkah tuan hamba
berdua menunaikan hajat hamba?” Seorang daripada pengawal itu menjawab, “Boleh
jika hajat itu tidak berat.”
Luncai gembira seraya berkata, “Memang tidak berat. Tuan hamba berdua hanya
perlu menyanyi satu lagu untuk hamba.” “Lagu apa?” tanya kedua-dua pengawal
itu. “Mudah sahaja, pengawal yang duduk di belakang hamba hendaklah mengulang
kata yang begini, Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya. Manakala tuan hamba
yang di hadapan pula membalas, Biarkan, biarkan … .” “Baiklah,” jawab kedua-dua
pengawal itu tanpa mengesyaki apa-apa. Mereka pun sama-sama menyanyi. Si Luncai
terjun dengan labu-labunya. Biarkan, biarkan...
itu dilagukan berulang-ulang serentak dengan kayuhan sampan. Semakin lama
semakin rancak. Setelah agak lama, kedua-dua pengawal itu semakin terleka. Pada
saat itulah Si Luncai pun terjun dari sampan untuk menyelamatkan diri. Melihat
hal itu, pengawal yang di belakang segera memberitahu kawannya yang di hadapan,
“Si Luncai terjun dengan labunya!” Malangnya, pengawal di hadapan terus
menjawab, “Biarkan, biarkan…” Dia menyangka, pemberitahuan itu masih lagi
sebahagian senikata lagu yang mereka nyanyikan sebelumnya.
Si Luncai jauh berenang menyelamatkan diri, barulah pengawal dihadapan itu
menyedari kejadian sebenarnya. Tetapi apa boleh buat, Si Luncai telah berjaya
menyelamatkan diri. Mereka pun pulang tanpa memberitahu raja hal sebenarnya.
Apa tidaknya, jika silap perhitungan, mereka pula akan dihukum. Si Luncai yang
telah selamat daripada lemas, lari menyembunyikan diri. Namun dalam hatinya
menyimpan dendam yang sangat mendalam kepada raja yang zalim dan angkuh itu.
Setiap hari dia memikirkan bagaimanakah caranya untuk membalas dendam. Padanya,
raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim, raja disanggah. Setelah beberapa hari
lamanya, barulah Si Luncai mendapat idea.
hari yang terpilih itu, Si Luncai pun mengenakan baju serba putih lengkap
dengan serbannya sekali. Imej yang dibinanya adalah imej orang alim lagi warak.
Setelah itu dia pun dengan beraninya pergi ke istana raja. Melihat Si Luncai
datang, terkejutlah seisi istana, kerana tidak menyangka yang Si Luncai telah
‘hidup’ kembali. Raja pun keluar dan terjadilah pertemuan baginda dengan Si
Luncai buat kali kedua.
“Apa yang terjadi kepada kamu?” tanya
baginda. “Alhamdulillah, patik sekarang telah insaf … patik akan menjadi orang
alim. Patik tidak perlukan apa-apa lagi dalam hidup ini.” “Apa yang terjadi
kepada kamu?” “Patik telah sampai ke alam arwah dan bertemu dengan arwah-arwah
orang yang telah mati … termasuk arwah ayah patih dan almarhum ayahanda
tuanku.” “Armarhum ayahanda beta? Bagaimana gerangannya di sana?”
“Ampun, tuanku.
Almarhum sangat dukacita kerana perbuatan tuanku.”
“Apa yang beta
lakukan?” “Entahlah, almarhum cuma berdiam diri. Katanya baginda ingin bertemu
sendiri dengan tuanku untuk memberi nasihat,” kata Si Luncai. “Bagaimana,
bolehkah beta bertemu ayahanda beta?” “Masakan tidak, hamba yang hina ini pun
boleh, apalagi tuanku yang mulia.”
Luncai tersenyum dalam hatinya. Perangkapnya sudah mengena. Raja yang zalim
tapi bodoh itu akan berjaya ditipunya.
“Bagimanakah cara?”
tanya raja. “Begini … tuanku hendaklah masuk ke dalam laut dalam peti yang
dilubangi. Patik dahulu pun begitu juga. Di dasar lautlah akan berlaku
pertemuan itu nanti.”
berfikir panjang, raja pun bersetuju. Pendek cerita, raja pun dibuang ke laut
di dalam peti yang berlubang. Apalagi, air pun masuk dan raja pun mati lemas.
Si Luncai lari menyembunyikan diri dan tidak diketahui lagi keadaan dan
nasibnya selepas itu.
Tema cerita ini adaah
mengenai kezaliman dan kecerdikan. Kita dapat lihat kezaliman raja terhadap Si
Luncai yang senang-senang sahaja menjatuhkan hukuman mati atas sebab yang tidak
relevan dan kecerdikan Si Luncai untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada di campak ke
Cerita ini juga
mengisahkan bagaimana akibat buruk yang boleh menimpa rakyat jika diperintah
secara zalim oleh seorang pemerintah yang ego dan dungu. Pemerintah yang begini
bukan sahaja berpotensi memporak-perandakan negara bahkan akhirnya memakan diri
sendiri. Orang yang boleh ditipu hanya orang yang dungu. Orang yang boleh
digertak, hanya orang yang banyak salah. Si Luncai tahu itulah hakikat raja
yang sedang dihadapinya. Dan kita mesti membuktikan bahawa kita lebih cerdik
dan lebih baik dengan memantapkan ilmu, amal dan bertaubat. Tidak ada jalan
pintas ke syurga. Biarlah Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya!
Pak Pandir and His Child
One day, Pak Pandir was walking along a small lane on the way home after running an errand for his wife. He came across a piece of feces which was still fresh and warm. Curious of what it was, he decided to scoop it up and have a closer look.
“Hmm, the shape is like feces!” he exclaimed, nodding his head.
“Soft like feces!” he uttered excitedly after fingering it.
“Smell like feces!” he said after putting it near his nose.
Then Pak Pandir put the thing onto his tongue and licked it.
“Definitely it is feces, luckily I didn’t step onto it, thank God!” he laughed happily before going home to his wife.
But Pak Pandir’s foolishness soon turned tragic. One day, Mak Andih was invited to attend a wedding feast of her relative. She got dressed and before leaving the house, she told her husband to stay home as their infant son was still sleeping soundly in the sarung.
“I have boiled a pot of water on the stove,” she told him. “When the baby wakes up, give him a bath using the water I have just boiled,” she instructed him and left.
Soon the baby woke up. Pak Pandir quickly poured the hot water into a tub and put the baby inside. The water was still very hot and as a result, the baby kicked furiously and screamed loudly. Thinking his son loved the water so much and was squeaking from delights, Pak Pandir kept him inside the hot water even longer. Alas, the poor baby eventually died from scalding. When Mak Andih came back from the feast, she asked her husband about their infant son.
“He enjoyed the bath very much and now he went to sleep again,” he told her. When she went to the sarung and tried to wake him up for feeding, she found that he was motionless. In a fury, Mak Andih chased her husband around the house and beat him for his stupidity. Mak Andih was very sad to lose her baby.
After evening prayers, both husband and wife wrapped the body with “mengkuang” leaves (a kind of screw pine used for mat-making) and Pak Pandir took the body to bury in the village cemetery. He put it over his shoulder but on the way, the body slipped out and fell onto the ground. Pak Pandir was not aware and walked on without looking back. When he reached the burial ground, he took out a hoe, dug a hole and buried the empty case.
Then he walked back home. On the way back, he saw a body on the ground. Thinking it was the dead child of another family because all babies looked the same to him, he ran happily home to tell his wife what he saw.
“Mak Andih, Mak Andih, we are not the only one to lose a baby! Another family also lost theirs! So, it was not something to be sad about!” he tried to comfort his wife.
In this story, the theme is about naive. We can see this from Pak Pandir character which kill his own son during the bath time with hot water.
Moral Value
The moral values that we can get from this story are we have to think critically before doing something. Furthermore, we have to gain a lot of knowledge to be use in the future so we will not be like Pak Pandir. Besides that, do not do anything in a hurry. Think the solution first before take an action.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Bawang Putih dan Bawang Merah
Sejak ketiadaan ayah dan ibu kandungnya,Bawang Putih
tinggal bersama ibu tirinya, Mak Kundur dan adik tirinya Bawang Merah.Mereka
sangat benci akan Bawang Putih.Dia sering dimarahi dan dipukul.
Pada suatu malam,Bawang Putih bermimpi bertemu
ibunya.Ibunya menyuruhnya masuk ke hutan dan mencari pohon beringin rendang.”Pergilah
hiburkan hatimu dan bersabarlah,suatu hari nanti kau akan mendapat
Keesokan harinya,Bawang Putih segera menyiapkan
kerja-kerja rumah.Setelah ibu tirinya pergi bekerja dan adik tirinya masih
tidur,Bawang Putih pun masuk ke hutan.Dia mencari pohon beringin rendang itu.
Setelah puas mencari,dia pun sampai ke situ.Dia
terpandan sebuah buaian yang tergantun di pohon beringin.Tempat tersebut
seakan-akan sebuah taman tempat puteri kayangan turun ke bumi untuk
Ketika dia duduk di atas buaian itu,tiba-tiba buaian
itu berayun dengan sendiri.Semakin lama semakin laju.Dia dapat melihat
bunga-bunga yang mengelilingi pohon beringin itu turut bergoyang-goyang.Hatinya
terasa sungguh terhibur.
Tiba-tiba Bawang Putih teringatkan Mak Kundur.Ibu
tirinya pasti akan memarihanya bila pulang dan mendapati dirinya tiada di
rumah.Namun Bawang Putih tidak tahu bagaimana hendak memberhntikan buaian
itu.Bawang putih lalu berkata kepada buaian itu,”Wahai buaian,tolonglah
berhenti,akuingin pulang ke rumah.”Tiba-tiba buaian itu pun berhenti dengan
sendirina.Pokok-pokok bunga juga turut berhenti bergoyang.
Pada sutu hari Bawang Putih bermaian buaian seperti
biasa.Tanpa disedarinya seorng putera raja sedang memerhatinya.Baginda tertarik
melihat bagaimana buaian itu boleh berayun sendiri bila Bawang Putih
Ketika Bawang Putih hendak pulang baginda menyuruh
penirinya mengekorinya.Setelah tahu di mana Bawang Puth tinggal,baginda pergi
ke rumah tersebut,Ketika itu Mak Kundur dan Bawang Merah berada di halaman
rumah.”Di manakah anak makcik yang seorang lagi?”Tanya baginda.Mak Kundur
menyangka baginda adalah orang kaya.”Makcik mana ada anak yang lain.Bawang
Merah inilah satu-satunya anak makcik,” kata Mak Kundur.
Baginda menceritakan tentang gadis yang dilihatnya
bermain buain di hutan.”Bawang Merah inilah yang bermain buaian itu,”bohong Mak
Kundur.Setelah beredar,Mak Kundur memaksa Bawang Putih menunjukkan tempat
buaian itu. Mak Kundur membawa Bawang Merah bermaian buaian
itu.Namun buaian itu tidak berayun dengan sendiri.Putera raja mengintainya dari
sebalik pokok.Baginda menyuruh pengiringnya ke rumah Mak Kundur dan membawa
Bawang Putih ke situ.Pengiringnya pun pergi tetapi mendapati Bawang Putih
dikurung dan diikat.Maka dia segera membuka ikatan itu dan membawa gadis itu
bertemu dengan baginda.Mak Kundur terkejut melihat kehadiran bainda dan Bawang
Bila Bawang Putih berbuai dan menyanyi,buaian itupun
berayun laju.”Makcik telah berbohong kepada beta!” kata putera raja.Ketika itu
barulah Mak Kundur tahu bahawa lelaki itu adalah putera raja.”Kamu ibu yang
zalim.Kamu telah menyeksa Bawan Putih!” kata baginda lagi.Mak Kundur menangis
dan meminta ampun kepada baginda.Bawaqng Merah pula meraung dan menanis kerana
dewngkikan Bawang Putih.Bawang Putih yan baik hati meminta utera raja
mengampunkan Mak Kundur dan Bawang Merah.Baginda kagum dengan sifat kemuliaan
Bawang Putih.Putera raja akhirnya mengahwini Bawang Putih.
Pengajaran yang dapat kita peroleh daripada kisah ini ialah kita janganlah sesekali menipu orang lain kerana perkara
itu pasti akan membawa padah kepada diri sendiri atau kepada orang lain. Kita haruslah sentiasa berbuat baik dengan orang lain kerana kita pasti
akan mendapat balasan yang baik. Bak kata pepatah, buat baik dibalas baik, buat jahat dibalas jahat. Sikap kasih sayang dan hormat-menghormati amat
penting dalam hubungan kekeluargaan.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
The Pearl From The Seven Seas
This is the story about a country called Andan Puri. Once upon a time, the people in Andan Puri were suffering from poverty. This is because they have to give all of their harvest from their crops and animals to a country named Buragas. The king of the Andan Puri felt unhappy because his people have to live in such poverty.One day, a messenger from Buragas came and asked for a sack of pearls from seven seas in behalf of their king.
The king of Andan Puri decided to disguise himself as a farmer and a fisherman to help his people. But, the problem remained. One day, when he is sitting alone looking at the sea, a gigantic fish approached him and willing to help the king to find the pearls from the seven seas. The king was surprised, but he is happy. The next day, the fish fulfilled his promise.The messenger from Buragas came and collected the pearls. On their way back, the ship was attacked by all kind of fish. The ship sank and drown all the people. From that incident, Andan Puri was now free from the control of Buragas and the people of Andan Puri lived happily.
Once upon a time, there was a country called Andan Puri. The people in this country were suffering from poverty even though they were hardworking. It is because everything they owned had to be surrendered to a more powerful country called Buragas. The harvest from their crops and all the animals they had reared were also taken from them.
The king of Andan Puri had no idea what to do. He was very unhappy and he felt very sorry for his people who lived in such poverty.
One day, messenger from Buragas came bringing yet another demand from their king: a sack of pearl from the seven seas.
The king of Andan Puri was even more unhappy. He could not stand up to Buragas because they did not have any weapons or soldier.
Finally, he decided to disguise himself as a farmer and fisherman to help his people. When he met a fisherman, he would go along and help him to catch fish. When he met a farmer, he would go along and help him to plant and harvest crops.
But, in spite of his efforts the problem remained. One evening when the king is sitting alone looking out on the wide open sea when, all of a sudden, a gigantic fish emerged in front of him and spoke:
“Please don’t despair, I will find a sack of pearls from the seven seas for you. Come back tomorrow and I will bring them to you.”
The king was surprised but yet very happy. When he went there the next day, sure enough there was a sack of pearls on the beach.
When the time came, messenger from Buragas collected the pearls and sailed off. However, half way back, the ship was attacked by huge shoals of all kinds of fish and it sank, drowning everyone on board.
As a result Andan Puri was now free from the control of evil king of Buragas. The strange fish continued to help the king and the people were happy that at last they could enjoy the fruits of their own labour.
In this story, the theme is violence and responsibility of a king towards his country. violence is shown in the character of the Buragas king which manipulate people in Andan Puri to get food supply and money.
Moral Values
The moral values that we can get from this story are, we as creatures belonging to God, do not be too greedy to possess property. For example, the king of a big country of Buragas seized all the Adnan Puri national authorities. Adnan Puri people felt so tortured because of the food and property confiscation.
Besides, as leader, we should not wrong using of the power and oppress subordinate. the sense of humanity attitude should also exists in all human beings. Furthermore, as subordinates, we need to figure out a way to live and do not give up because the victory always be in the right.
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